Toyota RAV4 > Transfer case > Transfer unit — removal and installation

Transfer unit — removal and installation

Note: The transfer unit is attached to the transaxle. To remove the transfer unit, the transaxle must first be removed.


1. Disconnect the cable from the negativebattery terminal (see Engine electrical systems).

2. Drain the transfer unit oil (see Transfer unit lubricant change (AWD models)).

3. Remove the transaxle assembly (see Automatic transaxle — removal and installation).

4. Remove the rear engine mountingbracket fasteners and bracket.

5. Remove the transfer unit mounting fast tenders and separate the transfer unit from the transaxle.

Note: It is recommended to replace the studs for the transfer unit-to-transaxle mounting when removed.


6. Install the transfer unit to the transaxle.

7. Install the mounting fasteners and tightenthe fasteners to the torque listed in this Chapter’s Specifications.

8. Install the rear engine mounting bracketfasteners and tighten them to the torque listed in this Chapter’s Specifications.

9. Install the transaxle assembly (see Automatic transaxle — removal and installation).

10. The remainder of installation is the reverse of removal.

11. Fill the transfer unit with the correct oil tothe proper level.

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