Steering column and power steering motor assembly — removal and installation
Warning: These models are equipped with airbags. Always disable the airbag system before working in the vicinity of any airbag system component to avoid the possibility of accidental deployment of the airbag(s), which could cause personal injury (see Chassis electrical system).
Steering column Removal
1. Park the vehicle with the wheels pointing straight ahead. Disconnect the cable from the negative battery terminal (see Engine electrical systems).
2. Remove the steering wheel (see Strut assembly (front) — removal, inspection and installation), then turn the ignition key to the Lock position to prevent the steering shaft from turning.
Warning: If this is not done, the airbag spiral cable could be damaged.
3. Remove the driver’s knee bolster and the reinforcement behind it (see Body).
4. Remove the steering column covers (see Body).
5. Remove the upper instrument panel trim (see Body).
6. Remove the combination switch and clock spring assembly from the steering column (see Chassis electrical system).
7. Remove the column cover from the firewall by folding back the carpet and removing the two retaining clips (see illustration).
i. 7 Column cover retaining clips
8. Mark the relationship of the U-joint to the steering shaft, then remove the pinch bolt (see illustration).
i. 8 Steering shaft with column cover removed
A Matchmarks
B Pinch bolt
9. Remove the electrical connections to the power steering column behind the dash (see illustration).
i. 9 Clamps and electrical locations for power steering sub-assembly
A Electrical connections
B Ground lead
C Clamp
10. Remove the steering column mounting fasteners (see illustration), then lower the column and pull it to the rear, making sure nothing is still connected. Separate the intermediate shaft from the steering column shaft (see illustration).
i. 10a Steering column fastener locations
A Upper mounting nuts
B Lower mounting bolt.
i. 10b Mark the intermediate shaft orientation with the column before removing the bolt. Then remove the pinch bolt and detach the intermediate shaft from the column.
11. Guide the steering column into position, connect the intermediate shaft back to the match marks you made earlier, then install the mounting fasteners.
12. Tighten the column mounting fasteners to the torque listed in this Chapter’s Specifications.
13. Install the pinch bolt, tightening it to the torque listed in this Chapter’s Specifications.
14. The remainder of installation is the reverse of removal.
Power steering ECU
15. Disconnect the cable from the negative terminal of the battery (see Engine electrical systems).
16. Remove the upper instrument panel trim (see Body).
17. Remove the steering column.
18. Remove the wire harness fasteners to the power steering ECU.
19. Release the two claws like clips from the ECU dust cover.
20. Release the four claws securing the ECU protector to the ECU.
21. Remove the three terminal bolts and two bolts securing the ECU assembly to the steering column.
22. Remove the ECU.
23. Installation is the reverse of removal.
24. The ECU must now be calibrated. Using a jumper wire, bridge terminals 4 and 12 of the Data Link Connector (DLC), located under the dash, to the left of the steering column (see illustration).
i. 24 Terminals 4 and 12 of the DLC
25. Turn the ignition on for at least five seconds, then turn it off.
26. Check for the presence of any stored Diagnostic Trouble Codes (see On-Board Diagnostic (OBD) system and Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTCs)).
Power steering motor Removal
27. Remove the steering column.
28. Remove the power steering ECU.
29. Remove the two bolts securing the power steering motor to the steering column.
30. Lift the motor off of the steering column.
31. Install a new 0-ring around the motor shaft.
32. Apply grease to the motor spline, then guide the motor shaft back into the steering column.
33. Align the two bolt holes with the holes in the column, then install the bolts. Tighten the bolts to the torque listed in this Chapter’s Specifications.
34. The remainder of the installation is the reverse of removal.