Toyota RAV4 > Suspension and steering > Balljoint — replacement

Balljoint — replacement

1. Loosen the wheel lug nuts, raise the vehicle and support it securely on jack stands. Remove the wheel.

2. Remove the cotter pin from the ball joint stud and loosen the nut (but don’t remove it yet).

3. Separate the ball joint from the steering knuckle with a pickle fork-type ball joint separator (see illustration). Remove the ball joint stud nut. The clearance between the ball joint stud and the CV joint is very tight. To remove the stud nut, you’ll have to alternately back off the nut a turn or two, pull down the stud, turn the nut another turns or two, etc., until the nut is off.

i. 3 Separate the ball joint from the steering knuckle with a pickle fork-type ball joint separator

Toyota RAV4 Suspension and steering | Balljoint - replacement _ Separate the ball joint from the steering knuckle with a pickle fork-type ball joint separator

4. Remove the bolt and nuts securing the ball joint to the control arm. Separate the ball joint from the control arm with a prybar (see Strut assembly (front) — removal, inspection and installation).

5. To install the ball joint, insert the ball joint stud through the hole in the steering knuckle and install the nut.

6. Attach the ball joint to the control arm and install the bolt and nuts, tightening them to the torque listed in this Chapter’s Specifications.

7. Tighten the ball joint stud nut to the torque listed in this Chapter’s Specifications and install a new cotter pin. If the cotter pin hole doesn’t line up with the slots on the nut, tighten the nut additionally until it does line up — don’t loosen the nut to insert the cotter pin.

8. Install the wheel and lug nuts. Lower the vehicle and tighten the lug nuts to the torque listed in the Tune-up and routine maintenance Specifications.

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