Valve cover — removal and installation
1. Disconnect the cable from the negative battery terminal (see Engine electrical systems). Remove the engine cover by pulling it straight up.
2. Disconnect the electrical connectors from the ignition coils, remove the nuts securing the wiring harness to the valve cover and position the ignition coil wiring harness aside. Remove the ignition coil pack from each of the spark plugs (see Engine electrical systems).
3. Detach the PCV hoses from the valve cover.
4. Remove the valve cover mounting nuts, then detach the valve cover and gasket from the cylinder head (see illustration). If the valve cover is stuck to the cylinder head, bump the end with a wood block and a hammer to jar it loose. If that doesn’t work, try to slip a flexible putty knife between the cylinder head and valve cover to break the seal.
i. 4 Valve cover fastener locations
Caution: Don’t pry at the valve cover-to-cylinder head joint or damage to the sealing surfaces may occur, leading to oil leaks after the valve cover is reinstalled.
5. Remove the valve cover gasket from the valve cover and clean the mating surfaces with brake system cleaner. Install a new rubber gasket, pressing it evenly into the grooves around the underside of the valve cover. Make sure the spark plug tube seals are in place on the underside of the valve cover before reinstalling it (see illustration). The mating surfaces of the timing chain cover, the cylinder head and valve cover must be perfectly clean when the valve cover is installed. If there’s residue or oil on the mating surfaces when the valve cover is installed, oil leaks may develop.
i. 5 The valve cover gasket and the spark plug tube seals are incorporated into a single rubber 0-ring-like seal. Press the gasket evenly into the grooves around the underside of the valve cover and the spark plug openings
6. Apply RTV sealant at the timing chain cover-to-cylinder head joint, then install the valve cover and fasteners (see illustration).
i. 6 Apply sealant at the timing chain cover-to-cylinder head joint before installing the valve cover
7. Tighten the nuts/bolts to the torque listed in this Chapter’s Specifications in two or three equal steps.
8. Reinstall the remaining parts, run the engine and check for oil leaks.