Oil pan — removal and installation
1. Disconnect the cable from the negativebattery terminal (see Engine electrical systems).
2. Set the parking brake and block the rearwheels.
3. Raise the front of the vehicle and support it securely on jack stands.
4. Remove the two plastic splash shieldsunder the engine, if equipped.
5. Drain the engine oil and remove the oilfilter (see Tune-up and routine maintenance). Remove the oil dipstick.
6. Remove the bolts and detach the oil pan. If it’s stuck, use a putty knife to break the bond caused by the sealant (see illustrations). Don’t damage the mating surfaces of the pan and block or oil leaks could develop.
i. 6a Oil pan mounting bolts
i. 6b Use a putty knife, working around the pan to cut the sealant bond — be careful not to damage the mating surfaces of the pan
7. Use a scraper to remove all traces of oldsealant from the block and oil pan. Clean the mating surfaces with lacquer thinner or acetone.
8. Make sure the threaded bolt holes in theblock are clean.
9. Check the oil pan flange for distortion,particularly around the bolt holes. Remove any nicks or burrs as necessary.
10. Inspect the oil pump pick-up tube assembly for cracks and a blocked strainer. If the pick-up was removed, clean it thoroughly and install it now, using a new gasket. Tighten the nuts/bolts to the torque listed in this Chapter’s Specifications.
11. Apply a 3/16-inch wide bead of RTV sealant to the mating surface of the oil pan.
Note: Be sure follow the sealant manufacturers’ recommendations for assembly and sealant curing times.
12. Carefully position the oil pan on the engine block and install the oil pan-to-engine block bolts loosely.
13. Tighten the oil pan-to-engine block bolts in sequence (see illustration), to the torque listed in this Chapter’s Specifications in three or four steps. Make sure to tighten bolts marked «A» twice.
i. 13 Oil pan bolt tightening sequence, tighten bolts (A) in sequence twice
14. The remainder of installation is the reverse of removal. Be sure to wait at least one hour before adding oil to allow the sealant to properly cure.
15. Run the engine and check for oil pressure and leaks.