Crankshaft Position (CKP) sensor — replacement and testing
Note: The sensor is mounted on the timing chain cover next to the crankshaft pulley.
1. Make sure the ignition key is in the Off position.
2. Working under the vehicle, remove the inner fender shield (see Body).
3. Disconnect the CKP sensor electrical connector, then remove the bolt and detach the sensor (see illustration).
i. 3 Location of the Crankshaft Position Sensor
4. Installation is the reverse of removal.
5. If reusing the old sensor, check the 0-ring for damage and replace if necessary.
6. Disconnect the CKP sensor connector.
7. Using a digital volt / ohm meter preset to measure resistance, measure between the two terminals of the CKP sensor. With the engine cold (14 to 122 degrees-F), resistance should be 1630 to 2740 ohms. With the engine hot (122 to 212 degrees-F), resistance should be 2065 to 3225 ohms. If the resistance value does not fall within the ranges specified for the proper temperature, replace the sensor.