Driveaxles — removal and installation
1. Remove the wheel cover or hub cap.Unstack the nut with a punch or chisel (see illustration).
i. 1 If the drive axle nut is staked, use a center punch to unshaken it (wheel removed for clarity)
2. Break the drive axle/hub nut loose witha socket and large breaker bar (see illustration).
i. 2 Loosen the drive axle/hub nut with a long breaker bar
Note: If the design of the wheel prevents installing a socket on the nut, skip to Step 4.
3. Loosen the wheel lug nuts, raise the vehicle and support it securely on jack stands. Remove the wheel. Drain the transaxle lubricant (see Tune-up and routine maintenance).
4. If, due to wheel design, you could notloosen the drive axle hub nut with the wheel installed, insert a punch into the cooling vanes of the brake disc and allow it to rest against the brake caliper mounting bracket, then loosen the nut (see illustration).
i. 4 Prevent the hub from turning by inserting a punch into the brake disc cooling vanes
5. Remove the engine undercovers to allowaccess to the drive axle being removed.
6. Disconnect the ABS speed sensor connector.
7. Remove the drive axle/hub nut. Mark therelationship of the axle to the hub for installation.
8. Disconnect the stabilizer bar link fromthe stabilizer bar.
9. Remove the nuts and bolt securing theball joint to the control arm, then pry the control arm down and separate the lower control arm from theball joint (see Suspension and steering systems).
10. If reinstalling the same axle and hub, mark the relationship of the drive axle to the hub for installation (see illustration).
i. 10 Mark the drive axle and hub for installation
11. Swing the knuckle/hub assembly out (away from the vehicle) until the end of the drive axle is free of the hub. Support the outer end of the drive axle with a piece of wire to avoid unnecessary strain on the inner CV joint.
Note: If the drive axle splines stick in the hub, tap on the end of the drive axle with a plastic hammer.
12. To remove the passenger’s side drive-axle, remove the snap-ring and single bolt from the bearing bracket (see illustration) and pull the drive axle out of the transaxle (2WD) or transfer unit (AWD). Support the CV joints and carefully remove the drive axle from the vehicle.
i. 12 Squeeze the snap ring (A) to remove, then remove the bolt from the bearing bracket (B)
13. To remove the driver’s side drive axle
use a slide hammer with an angled claw attachment engaged with one of the slots in the inner CV joint housing to pull the joint out of the transaxle (see illustration). Support the CV joints and carefully remove the drive axle from the vehicle.
i. 13 To separate the inner end of thedrive axle from the transaxle, use a slidehammer with a claw attachment to pull theinner joint from the transaxle
14. Pry the old spring clip from the inner end of the drive axle and install a new one (see illustrations). Lubricate the differential or intermediate shaft seal with multi-purpose grease and raise the drive axle into position while supporting the CV joints.
i. 14a Pry the old spring clip from theinner end of the drive axle with a smallscrewdriver or awl
i. 14b To install the new spring clip, startone end in the groove and work the clipover the shaft end, into the groove
15. If you’re installing the driver’s side drive-axle, insert the inner CV joint splines into the differential side gear and make sure the spring clip locks in its groove.
16. If you’re installing the passenger’s side drive axle, install a new bearing support snap-ring onto the drive axle, insert the splined end of the inner CV joint’s shaft into the differential side gear, then install the center support bearing bolt and snap-ring. Tighten the bolt to the torque listed in this Chapter’s Specifications.
17. Apply a light coat of multi-purpose grease to the outer CV joint splines, pull out on the strut/steering knuckle assembly and install the stub axle into the hub. Be sure to align the reference marks (if installing the original drive axle).
18. Reconnect the ball joint to the lower control arm and tighten the nuts and bolt (see the torque specifications in Suspension and steering).
19. Install a new drive axle/hub nut. Tighten the hub nut securely, but don’t try to tighten it to the actual torque specification until you’ve lowered the vehicle to the ground.
20. Grasp the inner CV joint housing (not the drive axle) and pull out to make sure the drive-axle has seated securely in the transaxle.
21. Install the wheel and lug nuts, then lower the vehicle.
Note: If the wheels prevented you from loosening the nut without removing them, prevent the hub from turning by using the method described in Step 4, then install the wheel.
22. Tighten the lug nuts to the torque listed in the Tune-up and routine maintenance Specifications. Tighten the hub nut to the torque listed in this Chapter’s Specifications. Stake the nut to the groove in the drive axle, using a hammer and punch.
23. Refill the transaxle (see Tune-up and routine maintenance).
Rear (AWD models)
24. Remove the wheel cover or hub cap. Remove the cotter pin and nut lock from the drive axle/hub nut. Break the hub nut loose with a socket and large breaker bar.
Note: If the design of the wheel prevents you from getting the socket on the nut, loosen it after the wheel has been removed. To prevent the hub from turning, brace a large prybar between two of the wheel lugs and allow it to contact the ground.
25. Block the front wheels to prevent the vehicle from rolling. Loosen the wheel lug nuts, raise the rear of the vehicle and support it securely on jack stands. Remove the wheel.
26. Disconnect the ABS speed sensor connector.
27. Remove the drive axle/hub nut. Mark the relationship of the axle to the hub for installation.
28. Remove the rear differential support braces to gain access to the inner CV joints.
29. Disconnect the stabilizer bar links from the bar, then pivot the bar up.
30. Remove the rear knuckle (see Suspension and steering systems).
31. Carefully pry the inner end of the drive-axle from the differential, using a large screwdriver or prybar positioned between the differential and CV joint housing.
32. Pull the outer drive axle CV joint splines from the hub. Support the CV joints and carefully remove the drive axle from the vehicle. Note: If the drive axle splines stick in the hub, tap on the end of the drive axle with a plastic hammer.
33. Apply a light coat of multi-purpose grease to the outer CV joint splines and install the stub axle into the hub. Be sure to align the reference marks.
34. Insert the splined end of the inner CV joint into the differential side gear and make sure the spring clip locks in its groove.
35. Install the rear knuckle and reconnect the stabilizer bar links (see Suspension and steering systems).
36. Install a new drive axle/hub nut. Tighten the hub nut securely, but don’t try to tighten it to the actual torque specification until you’ve lowered the vehicle.
Note: Alternatively, prevent the hub from turning by using the method described in Step 24.
37. Install the wheel and lug nuts, then lower the vehicle. Tighten the lug nuts to the torque listed in the Tune-up and routine maintenance Specifications.
38. Tighten the drive axle/hub nut to the torque listed in this Chapter’s Specifications, then stake the nut.