Toyota RAV4 > Cooling, heating and air conditioning systems > Air conditioning compressor — removal and installation

Air conditioning compressor — removal and installation

Warning: The air conditioning system is under high pressure. Do not loosen any hose fittings or remove any components until the system

has been discharged. Air conditioning refrigerant should be properly discharged into an EPA-approved recovery/recycling unit by a dealer service department or an automotive air conditioning repair facility. Always wear eye protection when disconnecting air conditioning system fittings.

Caution: The receiver/drier should be replaced whenever the air conditioning compressor is replaced (see Troubleshooting).

1. Have the refrigerant discharged by an automotive air conditioning technician.

2. Disconnect the cable from the negative battery terminal (see Engine electrical systems). Loosen the right front wheel lug nuts. Raise the front of the vehicle and support it securely on jack stands, then remove the lower splash shield(s) and the wheel.

3. Remove the drivebelt (see Tune-up and routine maintenance).

4. Remove the upper mounting fasteners and detach the refrigerant lines (see illustration).

i. 4 Compressor mounting details

А. Upper mounting fasteners
B. Refrigerant line retaining bolts

Toyota RAV4 Cooling, heating and air conditioning systems | Air conditioning compressor - removal and installation _ Compressor mounting details

5. Detach the wiring connector, remove the compressor lower mounting fasteners (see illustration) and lower it from the vehicle.

i. 5 Air conditioning compressor lower mounting bolts (A) and electrical connectors (B) locations

Toyota RAV4 Cooling, heating and air conditioning systems | Air conditioning compressor - removal and installation _ Air conditioning compressor lower mounting bolts (A) and electrical connectors (B) locations

6. If a new or rebuilt compressor is being installed, the oil level inside must be adjusted:

  1. Remove the drain bolt from the old compressor, pour the oil into a graduated container and record the amount.
  2. Subtract the measured amount from 70 cc (2. 37 oz.), which is the amount that is present in the new compressor.
  3. Remove the drain bolt from the new compressor and drain off the amount calculated in the previous step.
  4. Reinstall the drain bolt and tighten it securely

7. Installation is the reverse of removal. Replace any 0-rings with new ones specifically made for the purpose and lubricate them with refrigerant oil.

8. Have the system evacuated, recharged and leak tested by the shop that discharged it.

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