Toyota RAV4 > Body > Door trim panels — removal and installation

Door trim panels — removal and installation

Warning: The models covered by this manual are equipped with a Supplemental Restraint System (SRS), more commonly known as airbags. Always disable the airbag system before working in the vicinity of any airbag system component to avoid the possibility of accidental deployment of the airbag, which could cause personal injury (see Chassis electrical system).


Note: When using a screwdriver to pry trim panels, be sure to apply electrical tape to the tip to prevent scratching the panels. Alternatively, a plastic trim tool should be used.

Note: The removal of the rear door panel is similar to the front door panel removal

Warning: Disconnect the cable from the negative battery terminal and wait two minutes before beginning work.

Door panel

1. Pry up the window switch plate and disconnect the electrical connector to remove it (see illustration).

i. 1 Pry up the power window switch plate and disconnect the electrical connector

Toyota RAV4 Body | Door trim panels - removal and installation _ Pry up the power window switch plate</strong> <strong>and disconnect the electrical connector» /></p>
<p>2. Pry out the outside mirror cover (sail trim) and door handle trim panels (see illustrations).</p>
<p><strong>i. 2a Pry off the outside mirror trim cover…</strong></p>
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i. 2b. the door handles trim cover

Toyota RAV4 Body | Door trim panels - removal and installation _ the door handles trim cover

i. 2c… and the trim behind the inner release handle

Toyota RAV4 Body | Door trim panels - removal and installation _ the trim behind the inner release handle

3. Remove the door trim panel retaining screws, then carefully pry the panel out along the perimeter until the clips disengage (see illustrations). Work slowly and carefully around the outer edge of the trim panel until it’s free.

i. 3a Door trim panel retaining screws

Toyota RAV4 Body | Door trim panels - removal and installation _ Door trim panel retaining screws

i. 3b Use a flat trim or equivalent to gently release the retaining clips from around the outer edge of the door panel

Toyota RAV4 Body | Door trim panels - removal and installation _ Use a flat trim or equivalent to gently release the retaining clips from around the outer edge of the door panel

4. Once all of the clips are disengaged, pull the trim panel up and away from the door enough to gain access to release the inside handle. Release the cables from the panel, then detach the inside handle assembly by disengaging the side clips (see illustration).

i. 4 Separate the cables from the clips, then disengage the side tabs and separate the inside handle from the door panel

Toyota RAV4 Body | Door trim panels - removal and installation _ Separate the cables from the clips, then disengage the side tabs and separate the inside handle from the door panel

5. For access to the components inside the door, remove the door water shield (see illustration). Note the position of the wiring harness(es) that are routed through the water-shield for installation. Also, to allow for complete removal of the water shield, the ground bolt and airbag side impact sensor electrical connector will need to be removed/disconnected.

Liftgate trim paneling

Note: When prying off these panels (especially the two side ones), the plastic retaining clips have a tendency to separate from the panels and fly-off into the inside of the liftgate body, making them nearly impossible to retrieve without removing/tilting the entire liftgate. Use caution when prying off these panels, working in a meticulous manner.

i. 5 Working around the perimeter, pull the water shield off of the door, using a razor blade to separate the butyl tape along the way

Toyota RAV4 Body | Door trim panels - removal and installation _ Working around the perimeter, pull the water shield off of the door, using a razor blade to separate the butyl tape along the way

6. Open the liftgate. Use a flat trim tool to release the trim paneling (see illustrations).

i. 6a Start by prying the top center trim panel off first…

Toyota RAV4 Body | Door trim panels - removal and installation _ Start by prying the top center trim panel off first

i. 6b… then the upper side trim panels …

Toyota RAV4 Body | Door trim panels - removal and installation _ the upper side trim panels

i. 6c… then release the various main trim panel clips and disconnect any electrical connectors (where equipped)

Toyota RAV4 Body | Door trim panels - removal and installation _ then release the various main trim panel clips and disconnect any electrical connectors (where equipped)


7. Prior to installation, be sure to reinstall any clips into the paneling which may have fallen off when you removed the panel.

8. The remainder of installation is the reverse of removal.

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